Step 1:
Login to the account in TruckSpy as a user already associated with the account.
Step 2:
Select the Company tab on the left.
Step 3:
In the Users box click Add.
Step 4:
Fill in the boxes with corresponding information for the new user you are adding.
📖Note: In most cases, you will want to select User in the dropdown menu next to Role.
Click Send Invite.
Once the invite has been sent, the new user should appear in the Users box on the Company page.
📖Note: In order for a new user on an account to receive weekly notifications and reports, their notifications must be manually set up in their Preferences once they login to the account.
⚠️IMPORTANT: Never add a User to an account with an @fedex email address. If this person needs to be copied on reports, add them as a cc’d email on an existing User’s notification setting(s).
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