Truckspy’s Import feature is an alternative method of adding missing trips or configuration data. Once you are familiar with the process of importing data, you may prefer this to manually entering information, especially if there is a large amount of data.
In the example below, the truck is missing data prior to 2/1, the created date when the Truck was imported into Truckspy:
Step 1:
Contact your FedEx Admin and request a FedEx-provided TRIP HISTORY REPORT containing all dates and associated data that need to be imported. Here is an example of what the TRIP HISTORY REPORT looks like and the required information it contains.
Step 2:
- Access your Truckspy account and select the Import menu item from the left side. The Import window is now open
- The last item in the list of four import options is Import Trip History.
- Select Download Template. An Excel file with the name Trip_History.template.csv will download to your computer with the following Headers of Vehicle, Orig, Dest, Departure Datetime, and Arrival Datetime.
⚠️IMPORTANT: The new Template file has the column headings in a different order. It is essential that these column labels are in this exact format, otherwise, the system will not be able to read the data.
- Use the appropriate columns to enter the associated dates of the missing trips. Once all the data has been entered, your spreadsheet should look something like this. It is important that the formatting of the data look as follows. The timezone setting can differ, but the formatting of the dates and times must be the same. Also, note that the Orig & Dist numbers must be entered as 4-digit numbers with leading zeros when needed.
- Download and save the spreadsheet to your computer as a CSV file. A CSV (comma-separated values) file is a text file that has a specific format that allows data to be saved in a table-structured format for importing.
- From a company’s Truckspy Dashboard, go to the Import menu item located at the bottom of the left side.
Under Import Trip History click Select File.
Select the file you just created, then click Import.
If the import is successful, you should see a green bar with a message at the top of the screen like the one below:
Troubleshooting Your Spreadsheet
Troubleshoot your spreadsheet to eliminate errors before trying to import. Be sure to check the following:
- Make sure there is no special formatting on any of the cells in your spreadsheet, including extra spaces. These can sometimes throw errors.
- Mare leading zeros are present when using 3-digit numbers.
- Make sure all locations exist in Truckspy’s database. If you are unsure whether a location exists in our system, go to the Locations tab in Truckspy and search. If any locations need to be defined, do this prior to importing your trip history.
- Make sure there is no overlapping data/positions between what is on your trip history and what is in the Truckspy Data View. For example, if you are entering data for date-times that are already recorded in Truckspy, this may cause the system to assume the truck was in two places at once and throw an error.
- Make sure all arrival and departure times are realistic. Look out for arrival and departure times that are only a minute or two apart. To correct this, adjust either the arrival and/or departure time to add an hour or so in between the trip. You can use as little as a 1-minute difference when transitioning from Arrival Datetime and the following Departure Datetime.
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